You’ve bought them numerous times, they carry you to and from places day-in and day-out, but you probably never paid much attention to the markings on your tire. If you’ve even noticed them, you probably just shrugged and thought something along the lines of “Well, they must mean something to the manufacturers, salespeople, or mechanics.” While that is often true, …
Packaging Sustainability – 89M Lbs of Packaging Eliminated
At REA JET, we know that the primary goal of many manufacturers today is to reduce waste in packaging while meeting consumer needs and maintaining brand recognition. Recently, Mondelez International published its ‘Call for Well-being 2014 Progress Report‘ in which the company detailed how it had exceeded its goals in regards to packaging reduction. In fact, the company exceeded its …
Packaging News – Personal Care to be Worth More than $38B
According to a recent article at Packaging Digest, the personal care market is one that continues to grow at a fast pace – in fact, it’s expected to be worth more than $38 billion by 2019. Packaging in the personal care market is made up mostly of plastic, with 61% of products being packaged in plastic compacts, jars, bottles, and …
Pharmaceutical News: FDA And Pain Drugs That Deter Abuse
Recently in pharmaceutical news, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a final guidance to assist in the development of opioid drugs with properties that make the drugs, such as oxycodone, less likely to be abused, according to an article at Packaging World. Drugs containing opioids, such as oxycodone, Percocet, codeine, Vicodin, and hydrocodone are prescribed for patients who …
2015 Forest Products Machinery And Equipment Exposition
REA JET is excited about the next trade show we will be attending, the Forest Products Machinery and Equipment Exposition beginning June 10 in Atlanta! We will be in booth #709 for all who want to come by and visit, or learn more about our exceptional industrial marking and coding solutions. This will be the 33rd expo sponsored by Southern …