See REA JET At Timber Processing And Energy Expo 2014

MLT CreativeCompany News

In just over three short weeks, REA JET will be attending the Timber Processing and Energy Expo 2014 in Portland, Oregon! We are excited and want to invite everyone in the lumber, wood-to-energy, and engineered wood products industries to attend. Portland is the heart of the northwest forest products industry, so the location is ideal for this trade show, which …

How Continuous Inkjet Printers (CIJ) Work

MLT CreativeREA JET Products

Today, a wide array of industries use continuous ink jet technology because of its versatility and ability to mark the majority of substrates, and its affordable price when compared with more complex technologies. How do continuous inkjet printers work? Here is a quick guide. A continuous stream of ink is created when the CIJ printer pushes ink in its liquid …

Consumer Packaged Goods Coding And Marking Solutions

MLT CreativeIndustries, Products

Depending on the equipment you are currently using and environmental factors, marking on packaging for cleaning supplies, cosmetics, cardboard cases, bags, and other consumer goods can really be a challenge. Depending on your facility and geographical location, humidity, temperature, or even excessive dust can be a problem. There are many factors that can affect how your equipment operates; however, coding …

Batch Coding, Expiration Dates, & More – Printing Solutions

MLT CreativeIndustry News

Whether you are a manufacturer of foods or beverages, pharmaceuticals, personal care products, building materials, or bulk powders and chemicals, there is some type of coding you must use to provide various information such as batch numbers, production/plant dates and locations, best before and use by dates, and more. Foods that are packaged and that have a two year or …

Tire Marking and Rubber Marking Solutions

MLT CreativeIndustry News

At REA JET, we understand the importance of tire marking and rubber marking in a way that is clear and legible, durable, and highly contrasting. We provide a wide array of solutions to those in the automotive tire industry, solutions that offer countless benefits including quality markings, cleanliness, and speedy setup between products for reduced downtime in your production lines. …