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REA CodeScanApp – Read and understand code content

MLT CreativeProducts

CodeScan from REA is the indispensable App for decoding codes. As the successor to the PharmaScan App, we have expanded the focus and enable unrestricted analysis of codes used worldwide on all products, from all industries and application areas. 1D codes and 2D codes can be conveniently decoded with the CodeScan App via smartphone and the contents are readable in plain text.

The App checks the characters according to the structures of the organizations GS1 and IFA, translates the content into plain text and, in addition, identifies any errors in the data structure. In this way, it is possible not only to exercise control over non-company codes but also to perform a simple check of the company codes for their correct encryption. Other similar data structures are used in the automotive, electronics, medical device, transport logistics and food industries. If these structures follow the ISO standards, they will also be decoded and evaluated. Upon request, the information can be forwarded to the Internet to obtain additional product information. All scanning results are stored chronologically in a history file. The code types are designated by their names; crude data without a control character are presented under “Code Content”.

This App was developed by us to provide users in the pharmaceutical packaging process and other industries with a simple tool for reading industry-specific codes. What was previously only possible with code checking systems or inline control cameras can now be done with your smartphone:

  • Data Identifiers (AI’s/DI’s) are displayed in plain text
  • Data contents are displayed and verified for plausibility
  • The entire data string (without control characters) is displayed under “Code content”
  • Code types are named by name

The REA CodeScan App is a useful tool in the entire chain of the packaging and selling processes because it permits to check rapidly the plausibility and content of a printed code with a cell phone in the hand. It decrypts and checks the logic and syntax of article number, serial number, batch number, expiration date and, if present, also the production date and puts an end to the confusion over undecipherable columns of numbers. The application can be obtained as Android version in Playstore and also as iOS version in the App store.

We points out specifically that CodeScan App permits to read contents. The necessary qualitative checking of codes can be performed in accordance with the standards only with the REA VERIFIER optical code verification devices. REA JET offers high-resolution marking systems for the printing of products and packaging with machine-readable codes.

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REA CodeScan App

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