artificial intelligence and robots in a smart warehouse

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics: The Benefits of a Smart Warehouse

MLT CreativeEducational

Most companies are already using artificial intelligence in their warehouses. Robots are used by major companies like Amazon and Coca-Cola to stack and store products. They can be programmed to place items based on expiration dates, frequency of purchase, and other factors to increase convenience within the warehouse.

Other ways warehouses are using AI-powered technologies:

  • Self-driving vehicles replacing forklifts and other manually-operated vehicles
  • Radio frequency identification used instead of barcode scanners
  • Intelligent order batching and sequencing
  • Navigation throughout the facility with consideration for areas of congestion

Warehouse managers can use artificial intelligence for workforce planning and labor management. Smart technology can make predictions for the volume of work upcoming and the amount of time it will take to complete each job using real-world data and factoring for multiple variables, from the type of product to the individual user.

How Artificial Intelligence Can be Used in a Warehouse Setting

You’ve likely heard that artificial intelligence will change the way we do business. Companies everywhere are beginning to adopt smart technologies to produce high-quality goods faster and streamline their business operations for maximum efficiency and productivity. If you want to stay ahead of the competition, it’s crucial to consider implementing a smart warehouse.

Key ways a smart warehouse can help your business:

1. Inventory optimization

Learning from patterns in data, an AI-powered inventory system can make sure stock is available without going over budget or overwhelming the storage capacity. This helps you hold materials for less time, improving your cash flow and freeing up valuable space.

2. Increased productivity

Happier workers are more productive workers. By using artificial intelligence to support employees in their roles and to take over jobs that workers are increasingly dissatisfied with, you can have a happier, more efficient team. Robots can work 24/7 at 100% efficiency without any distractions, illness, or other unexpected problems, which makes them a great solution for certain tasks in the warehouse.

3. A safer workplace

AI-enabled robots can take on tasks that are deemed dangerous for humans, eliminating the risk of injury to your employees. Also, smart technology can be used to monitor the warehouse and identify health and safety risks in real-time, detecting an impending emergency faster than a person would. In some cases, they may notice an emergency that a human would be unable to identify.

4. Optimize and use data

Many warehouses have more data available to them than they know what to do with. AI-equipped technology can collect and process large amounts of data quickly without the human risk of mistakes. Then it can adapt based on its findings, the same way humans learn from experience. However, these adaptations are backed by data.

5. Increased profitability

Upgrading to a smart warehouse will ultimately lower costs for you by enabling your organization to complete tasks more quickly and accurately, eliminating costs associated with wages, hiring, and training, and reducing downtime due to human error. Your customers will thank you for the decrease in cost you can pass along by reducing the resources and time needed to complete each process.

6. Prestige

Using the latest technology shows your clients that you are willing to adapt to changes in the market and society. They will trust you as a leader in your industry.

Experts predict that smart warehouses will be the industry standard in the next decade. In China, some warehouses are 70% run by robots. With the potential for growth artificial intelligence, robotics, and other smart technologies offer individual companies and the industry at large, this is no surprise.

Artificial intelligence, robotics, and other manufacturing innovations make for a smarter, safer workplace. REA JET printers and systems integrate seamlessly with other advanced technologies and give your employees a safer and more efficient workplace. For more information, contact us today.