How Continuous Inkjet Printers (CIJ) Work

MLT CreativeREA JET Products

Today, a wide array of industries use continuous ink jet technology because of its versatility and ability to mark the majority of substrates, and its affordable price when compared with more complex technologies. How do continuous inkjet printers work? Here is a quick guide. A continuous stream of ink is created when the CIJ printer pushes ink in its liquid …

Marking Bulk Powders And Chemicals – We Have Solutions

MLT CreativeREA JET Products

At REA JET, we understand that for manufacturers who produce chemicals and/or bulk powders, there are plenty of challenges when it comes to the environment and clear, quality printing. Dust from chemical powders, humidity, there are plenty of situations that can hold you up which slows down production, and ultimately costs you money. When it comes to marking bulk powders …

Coding and Marking: Reducing The Cost Of Marking Products

MLT CreativeREA JET Products

Whether your industry is pharmaceutical, food and beverage, packaging, tires or other rubber automotive products, plastics, or steel and metal, the challenges in providing indelible coding and marking while keeping costs down seem to be ever-present. At REA JET US, we want to help manufacturers realize the ‘real cost’ of marking their products, and offer our thoughts on increased efficiency …

Spray Mark Systems Make Marking Hot Metallic Surfaces Easy

MLT CreativeREA JET Products

As a trusted developer of products designed for contact-free industrial marking, REA JET has developed an innovative spray mark system that is ideal for manufacturers who work with metal and steel pipes and wire cable. This spray mark technology makes it possible for manufacturers to not only mark wire cables in a longitudinal fashion, but is a solution for those …

NiceLabel Software for designing labels - REA JET and REA LABEL

Two strong partners: hardware and software from a single source saves time and money

MLT CreativeREA JET Products

Complete solutions from a single source – REA JET coding and marking systems and NiceLabel software create a powerful symbiosis for the optimization of your marking and labeling process. NiceLabel is one of the leading providers of Label Management Software, which can assemble of several modules as needed, from NiceLabel Designer for creating print layouts to the Label Management System …